IELTS Speaking part 1 Question with Answer

  • Here are some sample of IELTS Speaking test with sample answers;
  1. What kind of music do you like? Answer: I really enjoy listening to classical music. I find it very soothing and relaxing. The harmonious sounds and the complexity of classical music captivate me. I also enjoy the emotions that it evokes and the fact that it is a genre that can be appreciated regardless of age or background.

  2. Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema? Answer: I prefer watching movies at home because I can pause and rewind whenever I need to, and I can also enjoy the movie in the comfort of my own home. I find it more relaxing to watch movies in my own space, without the distractions that come with being in a cinema. However, I do acknowledge the unique experience of watching a movie on the big screen with high-quality sound and visuals.

  3. What is your favorite type of food? Answer: My favorite type of food is Thai cuisine. I love the spicy flavors and the mix of sweet and savory dishes. Thai food is also very diverse, with a variety of dishes that range from soups and curries to stir-fried noodles and salads. I also appreciate the emphasis on fresh herbs and vegetables in Thai cooking.

  4. What do you like to do in your free time? Answer: In my free time, I like to read books and watch documentaries. I find them both very informative and interesting. Reading allows me to explore different worlds and perspectives, while documentaries help me to learn about topics and issues that I may not have known much about before.

  5. What kind of sports do you enjoy playing or watching? Answer: I enjoy playing basketball and watching football (soccer). Basketball is a sport that I find very enjoyable because it requires a mix of physical skill and strategy. I also like watching football because of the excitement that comes with the game, and the sense of community that surrounds it.

  6. What kind of books do you like to read? Answer: I like to read a variety of books, including fiction, non-fiction, and biographies. Fiction allows me to escape into different worlds and experience different perspectives, while non-fiction and biographies help me to learn about real-life events and people.

  7. How often do you exercise? Answer: I try to exercise at least three times a week. I enjoy going for runs, doing yoga, and lifting weights. I find that exercising not only improves my physical health but also my mental well-being.

  8. Do you prefer living in the city or the countryside? Answer: I prefer living in the city because of the convenience and the opportunities that it offers. There are more job opportunities and cultural events in the city, and I also enjoy the fast-paced lifestyle. However, I do appreciate the peacefulness and beauty of the countryside.

  9. What is your favorite holiday destination? Answer: My favorite holiday destination is Japan. I love the culture, the food, and the beautiful scenery. The people are also very friendly and welcoming.

  10. Do you think it's important to learn a second language? Answer: Yes, I think it's important to learn a second language. It not only allows you to communicate with people from different cultures, but it also helps to improve cognitive function and memory. It also shows a willingness to learn and adapt to new experiences.

  11. How do you usually spend your weekends? Answer: I usually spend my weekends catching up on some much-needed rest, meeting up with friends and family, and exploring new places. I enjoy trying out new restaurants and cafes, and taking walks in nature.

  12. Do you prefer staying up late or waking up early? Answer: I prefer waking up early. I find that I am more productive and focused in the morning, and it sets a positive tone for the rest of the day. However, I do acknowledge that everyone has different sleep preferences.

  13. What is your favorite type of movie? Answer: My favorite type of movie is a drama. I enjoy movies that are thought-provoking and emotional, and that explore the complexities of the human experience. I also appreciate the skill of actors and directors in bringing a story to life.

  14. How do you typically celebrate your birthday? Answer: I typically celebrate my birthday by spending time with friends and family, and having a meal or drinks together. I also like to treat myself to a special activity or experience, such as going to a concert or spa.

  15. Do you think social media has a positive or negative impact on society? Answer: I think social media can have both positive and negative impacts on society. On one hand, it allows for easier communication and connection with others, and can be a source of information and education. On the other hand, it can also promote comparison and insecurity, and contribute to a lack of privacy and cyberbullying.

  16. What is your favorite type of cuisine? Answer: My favorite type of cuisine is Mediterranean. I love the fresh and flavorful ingredients, the use of herbs and spices, and the variety of dishes that it offers.

  17. Do you prefer working alone or in a team? Answer: I prefer working in a team. I find that collaboration can lead to more creative and efficient solutions, and it allows for a diversity of perspectives and skills. However, I also appreciate the need for individual focus and independence in certain tasks.

  18. What do you think is the biggest issue facing society today? Answer: I believe that one of the biggest issues facing society today is climate change. The impacts of global warming and environmental degradation can lead to devastating consequences for both human and animal life. It requires urgent action and collective effort to mitigate its effects.

  19. How do you think technology has changed our lives? Answer: Technology has had a significant impact on our lives, from the way we communicate and access information to the way we work and entertain ourselves. It has made many tasks more convenient and efficient, but it has also created new challenges such as privacy and addiction.

  20. What is your favorite hobby? Answer: My favorite hobby is reading. I enjoy immersing myself in different stories and learning new things through books. It is also a great way to relax and unwind.

  21. Do you prefer to travel alone or with others? Answer: It depends on the type of trip and my mood. Sometimes I enjoy the freedom and independence of traveling alone, while other times I prefer the company and shared experiences of traveling with others.

  22. What is your favorite way to relax? Answer: My favorite way to relax is by taking a long bath or practicing yoga. I find that both activities help me to unwind and clear my mind.

  23. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing young people today? Answer: One of the biggest challenges facing young people today is the pressure to succeed and the uncertainty of the future. With increased competition in education and the job market, young people may feel overwhelmed and anxious about their prospects.

  24. Do you prefer to stay in or go out? Answer: It depends on my mood and the occasion. Sometimes I enjoy staying in and having a quiet night, while other times I like to go out and socialize with friends.

  25. What is your favorite type of music? Answer: My favorite type of music is indie rock. I enjoy the creativity and individuality of indie music, and the way it blends different genres and styles.

  26. What is your favorite season? Answer: My favorite season is autumn. I love the cool weather, the changing colors of the leaves, and the cozy atmosphere.

  27. How do you think education can be improved? Answer: Education can be improved by focusing on individualized learning, incorporating technology and innovative teaching methods, and addressing issues of equity and access. It is also important to value and support teachers and to provide adequate resources and funding for education.

  28. What is your favorite sport? Answer: My favorite sport is yoga. While it may not be traditionally considered a sport, I enjoy the physical and mental challenge of yoga and the way it promotes mindfulness and self-awareness.

  29. Do you think it's important to volunteer or give back to the community? Answer: Yes, I think it's important to volunteer and give back to the community. It allows us to make a positive impact and connect with others, and it can also provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

  30. What is your favorite type of art? Answer: My favorite type of art is contemporary art. I appreciate the way it challenges traditional conventions and explores new ideas and perspectives.

  31. How do you think social media has changed the way we communicate? Answer: Social media has changed the way we communicate by allowing for instant and constant connection with others, but it has also created a culture of instant gratification and superficiality. It is important to use social media responsibly and to balance online communication with in-person interactions.

  32. What is your favorite type of cuisine to cook? Answer: My favorite type of cuisine to cook is Italian. I enjoy the simplicity and freshness of Italian ingredients, and the way that the flavors come together in a dish.

  33. Do you prefer to live in a house or an apartment? Answer: It depends on my lifestyle and preferences. While a house may offer more space and privacy, an apartment may offer more convenience and amenities. Ultimately, it depends on the location and the type of living experience that I am looking for.

  34. Do you think it's important to learn a second language? Why or why not? Answer: Yes, I think it's important to learn a second language. It not only expands our understanding of different cultures and perspectives, but it can also enhance our career opportunities and improve our cognitive abilities.

  35. What is your favorite type of book to read? Answer: My favorite type of book to read is fiction. I enjoy getting lost in different stories and experiencing different worlds and perspectives through the characters.

  36. How do you think climate change is affecting the world? Answer: Climate change is affecting the world in numerous ways, including rising sea levels, more frequent natural disasters, and the extinction of certain species. It is important to take action to reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change.

  37. What is your favorite type of movie? Answer: My favorite type of movie is drama. I enjoy the way it explores different emotions and human experiences through storytelling.

  38. Do you think it's important to exercise regularly? Why or why not? Answer: Yes, I think it's important to exercise regularly. It not only improves our physical health, but it can also improve our mental health and well-being.

  39. What is your favorite type of food? Answer: My favorite type of food is Mexican. I enjoy the bold and spicy flavors and the variety of ingredients and dishes.

  40. Do you prefer to live in the city or the countryside? Answer: It depends on my lifestyle and preferences. While the city may offer more opportunities and convenience, the countryside may offer more peace and quiet and a closer connection to nature.

  41. What is your favorite type of musical instrument? Answer: My favorite type of musical instrument is the piano. I appreciate the versatility and range of the piano and the way it can convey different emotions and moods.

  42. How do you think globalization has affected the world? Answer: Globalization has had both positive and negative effects on the world, including increased trade and cultural exchange, but also increased inequality and environmental degradation. It is important to address these issues and work towards a more sustainable and equitable global system.

  43. Do you think it's important to learn about other cultures? Why or why not? Answer: Yes, I think it's important to learn about other cultures. It not only expands our understanding and appreciation of different perspectives, but it can also promote cross-cultural communication and understanding.

  44. What is your favorite type of holiday? Answer: My favorite type of holiday is a beach vacation. I enjoy the relaxation and tranquility of the beach and the opportunity to soak up the sun and enjoy the ocean.

  45. How do you think technology has affected the job market? Answer: Technology has affected the job market by creating new opportunities and industries, but also by automating certain tasks and displacing some workers. It is important to adapt and learn new skills to remain competitive in the changing job market.

  46. Do you prefer to read a physical book or an e-book? Answer: I prefer to read a physical book. While e-books may be more convenient and portable, I enjoy the tactile experience of holding a book and turning the pages.

  47. What is your favorite type of exercise? Answer: My favorite type of exercise is yoga. I enjoy the physical and mental benefits of yoga and the way it promotes mindfulness and self-awareness.

  48. How do you think social media has affected relationships? Answer: Social media has affected relationships by creating new opportunities for connection and communication, but also by creating new challenges such as cyberbullying and a lack of privacy. It is important to use social media responsibly and to prioritize in-person interactions and relationships.

  49. What is your favorite hobby? Answer: My favorite hobby is hiking. I enjoy the physical activity and the opportunity to explore and appreciate nature.

  50. How do you think social media has affected mental health? Answer: Social media has affected mental health by creating new pressures and stressors such as the need for constant validation and comparison to others, but also by providing new resources and support for mental health awareness and advocacy.

  51. What is your favorite type of cuisine? Answer: My favorite type of cuisine is Italian. I enjoy the rich and flavorful dishes and the variety of ingredients and flavors.

  52. How do you think technology has affected our daily lives? Answer: Technology has affected our daily lives by creating new opportunities and conveniences, but also by creating new challenges and dependencies such as information overload and a lack of face-to-face interaction.

  53. What is your favorite type of art? Answer: My favorite type of art is painting. I enjoy the way it can express different emotions and perspectives through color and form.

  54. How do you think the entertainment industry has changed over the years? Answer: The entertainment industry has changed over the years by adapting to new technologies and platforms, but also by creating new trends and cultural movements.

  55. What is your favorite type of animal? Answer: My favorite type of animal is a dog. I enjoy their loyalty and companionship and the way they can enhance our emotional well-being.

  56. How do you think travel can change a person? Answer: Travel can change a person by exposing them to new cultures and perspectives, promoting personal growth and self-discovery, and enhancing their global awareness and empathy.

  57. What is your opinion on genetically modified foods? Answer: My opinion on genetically modified foods is that they have the potential to solve many global food challenges, but we should also be cautious and ensure they are properly tested and regulated for safety and ethical concerns.

  58. How do you think climate change is affecting our planet? Answer: Climate change is affecting our planet by causing rising temperatures, sea levels, and extreme weather patterns, leading to environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and negative impacts on human health and well-being.

  59. What is your favorite book and why? Answer: My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I enjoy the themes of justice, empathy, and the importance of standing up for what is right, and the powerful and relatable characters.

  60. How do you think technology has affected the job market? Answer: Technology has affected the job market by creating new job opportunities in technology and innovation, but also by eliminating or altering traditional jobs and creating new challenges such as a skills gap and increased automation.

  61. What is your favorite type of movie? Answer: My favorite type of movie is a thriller. I enjoy the suspense and anticipation of the plot and the way it can engage and challenge the viewer's emotions and intellect.

  62. How do you think the music industry has changed with the advent of streaming services? Answer: The music industry has changed with the advent of streaming services by altering the way artists and record labels distribute and profit from their music, but also by creating new opportunities for emerging and independent artists and providing greater access and diversity in music consumption.

  63. What is your favorite sport and why? Answer: My favorite sport is soccer. I enjoy the teamwork and strategy involved, the physical and mental challenge, and the cultural and global aspect of the sport.

  64. How do you think social media has impacted the way we communicate with each other? Answer: Social media has impacted the way we communicate with each other by creating new platforms and opportunities for connection and expression, but also by altering the way we communicate and interact in both positive and negative ways, such as anonymity and cyberbullying.

  65. What is your opinion on the use of plastic bags? Answer: My opinion on the use of plastic bags is that we should aim to reduce our usage and promote more sustainable alternatives such as reusable bags, as plastic bags contribute to environmental pollution and harm wildlife.

  66. How do you think the food industry has changed over the years? Answer: The food industry has changed over the years by adapting to new trends and preferences, promoting sustainability and ethical concerns, and increasing transparency and consumer awareness.

  67. What is your opinion on the legalization of marijuana? Answer: My opinion on the legalization of marijuana is that it should be regulated and treated similarly to other substances, such as alcohol and tobacco, with appropriate restrictions and public education on its use and potential risks.

  68. How do you think the healthcare system can be improved? Answer: The healthcare system can be improved by addressing issues such as accessibility, affordability, and quality of care, promoting preventive and holistic approaches, and addressing systemic inequalities and disparities in healthcare.

  69. What is your favorite type of outdoor activity? Answer: My favorite type of outdoor activity is camping. I enjoy the opportunity to disconnect from technology, appreciate nature, and spend time with friends and family.

  70. Can you describe a hobby that you enjoy?

    Answer: One of my favorite hobbies is photography. I love capturing the beauty of the world around me and sharing it with others. I enjoy taking photos of landscapes, people, animals, and anything else that catches my eye. I find it to be a relaxing and rewarding hobby.

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