The power of Subconscious Mind book review


"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" is a self-help book that was first published in 1963. The book explores the idea that the human mind has two distinct parts - the conscious mind, which is responsible for rational thought and decision-making, and the subconscious mind, which is responsible for our emotions, beliefs, and habits.

Dr. Murphy argues that by tapping into the power of our subconscious mind, we can overcome obstacles, achieve our goals, and create the life we desire. He provides a variety of techniques and exercises that readers can use to access and harness the power of their subconscious mind, such as visualization, positive affirmations, and meditation.

One of the key themes of the book is the idea that our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful influence on our lives. Dr. Murphy argues that our subconscious mind is like a fertile garden, and our thoughts are the seeds that we plant. If we focus on positive, empowering thoughts, we can create a life of abundance and success. However, if we allow negative, limiting thoughts to take root, we will experience negative outcomes.

Throughout the book, Dr. Murphy provides numerous examples and case studies of individuals who have used the power of their subconscious mind to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. He also explores topics such as the connection between faith and the subconscious mind, the role of the subconscious in healing, and the impact of past experiences on our subconscious beliefs.

Overall, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" is a thought-provoking and practical guide to unlocking the potential of our subconscious mind. While some of the ideas presented in the book may seem unconventional or even controversial to some readers, the book has been a popular and influential work in the self-help genre for many years.

Here are some of the important lessons that the author, Dr. Joseph Murphy, highlights in "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind":

  1. The power of positive thinking: Dr. Murphy emphasizes the importance of focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs, as they have a powerful impact on our lives.

  2. The role of the subconscious mind in shaping our reality: Dr. Murphy argues that our subconscious beliefs and thoughts shape our reality, and that by changing our subconscious programming, we can change our lives.

  3. The importance of visualization: Dr. Murphy advocates for the use of visualization as a powerful tool for manifesting our desires and goals.

  4. The connection between faith and the subconscious mind: Dr. Murphy explores the role of faith and spirituality in accessing the power of the subconscious mind.
  5. The impact of past experiences on our subconscious beliefs: Dr. Murphy highlights the importance of understanding and addressing past experiences and traumas that may be influencing our subconscious programming.

  6. The power of affirmations: Dr. Murphy provides numerous examples of affirmations that readers can use to reprogram their subconscious minds for success and abundance.

  7. The importance of taking responsibility for our thoughts and beliefs: Dr. Murphy emphasizes that we have the power to choose our thoughts and beliefs, and that by taking responsibility for them, we can create a more positive and fulfilling life.

  8. Overall, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" encourages readers to tap into the immense power of their subconscious mind, and provides practical tools and techniques for doing so. The book emphasizes the importance of positive thinking, visualization, and taking responsibility for our thoughts and beliefs, and has helped many readers to achieve greater success and happiness in their lives.

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