IELTS Speaking part 1 questions with answers

 Here are 100 IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions with sample answers:

  1. Question: What do you like to do in your free time? Answer: In my free time, I enjoy reading books and playing video games. I find both activities to be a great way to unwind and escape from the stresses of daily life.

  2. Question: Do you prefer to live in a big city or a small town? Answer: Personally, I prefer living in a big city. I enjoy the energy and diversity that comes with living in a bustling metropolis, and I appreciate having easy access to a wide range of cultural and entertainment options.

  3. Question: What kind of food do you like to eat? Answer: I love all kinds of food, but I particularly enjoy spicy and flavorful dishes. I also enjoy trying new cuisines and experimenting with different flavors and ingredients.

  4. Question: Do you enjoy watching sports? Answer: Yes, I enjoy watching sports, especially soccer and basketball. I find it thrilling to watch athletes compete at the highest level, and I appreciate the teamwork and strategy involved in many sports.

  5. Question: What is your favorite holiday? Answer: My favorite holiday is probably Christmas. I love the festive atmosphere and spending time with family and friends. I also enjoy the tradition of giving and receiving gifts.

  6. Question: Do you like to travel? Answer: Yes, I love to travel. I find it to be a great way to learn about new cultures and gain new experiences. I particularly enjoy visiting historic sites and natural landmarks.

  7. Question: Do you prefer to shop online or in-person? Answer: It depends on what I'm shopping for. For certain items, like clothing or electronics, I prefer to shop in-person so I can try them out before buying. However, for other items, like books or household goods, I find online shopping to be more convenient and efficient.

  8. Question: What kind of movies do you enjoy watching? Answer: I enjoy a wide range of movies, but my favorite genre is probably drama. I appreciate well-crafted stories that explore complex themes and characters.

  9. Question: Do you have any pets? Answer: Yes, I have a cat named Luna. She's a rescue cat and has been a wonderful companion for the past few years.

  10. Question: What kind of music do you listen to? Answer: I listen to a variety of music, but my favorite genre is probably indie rock. I enjoy the raw and emotional sound of many indie bands, and I appreciate the creativity and experimentation that often goes into their music.

  11. Question: Do you like to exercise? Answer: Yes, I try to exercise regularly to stay healthy and maintain my energy levels. I particularly enjoy running and practicing yoga.

  12. Question: What is your favorite book? Answer: My favorite book is probably "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I love the way the book explores issues of race and justice through the eyes of a young girl.

  13. Question: Do you enjoy art? Answer: Yes, I enjoy art, particularly paintings and sculptures. I find it fascinating to see how artists use different materials and techniques to express their ideas and emotions.

  14. Question: What is your favorite restaurant? Answer: My favorite restaurant is a local Thai place called "Thai Spice." They have amazing curries and noodle dishes, and the atmosphere is cozy and inviting.

  15. Question: Do you like to go to concerts? Answer: Yes, I enjoy going to concerts, particularly for my favorite bands and artists. I find it thrilling to see them perform live and connect with other fans who share my love for their music.

  16. Question: Do you enjoy outdoor activities? Answer: Yes, I love spending time outdoors. I enjoy hiking, camping, and kayaking, among other things. I find being in nature to be very refreshing and rejuvenating.

  17. Question: What kind of TV shows do you like to watch? Answer: I enjoy a variety of TV shows, but my favorite genre is probably comedy. I appreciate shows that make me laugh and provide a lighthearted escape from everyday life.

  18. Question: What is your favorite season? Answer: My favorite season is probably fall. I love the cooler temperatures, the changing leaves, and the sense of transition and renewal that comes with the season.

  19. Question: Do you have any hobbies? Answer: Yes, I have several hobbies, including reading, writing, and playing music. I find these activities to be a great way to express myself and explore my creative side.

  20. Question: What kind of job do you have? Answer: I currently work in marketing for a tech company. I enjoy the fast-paced and dynamic nature of the job, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with other professionals.

  21. Question: Do you enjoy spending time with friends? Answer: Yes, I love spending time with friends. I find it very rewarding to share experiences and create memories with people who are important to me.

  22. Question: What kind of technology do you use on a daily basis? Answer: I use a variety of technology on a daily basis, including my smartphone, laptop, and smartwatch. These devices help me stay connected and organized, and they also provide entertainment and information.

  23. Question: What is your favorite type of cuisine? Answer: My favorite type of cuisine is probably Italian. I love the bold flavors and comforting dishes that are typical of Italian cooking.

  24. Question: Do you prefer to study alone or with others? Answer: It depends on the subject and the material. For some subjects, I prefer to study alone so I can focus and absorb the material at my own pace. However, for other subjects, I find it helpful to study with others and discuss the material to gain new insights and perspectives.

  25. Question: What is your favorite way to relax? Answer: My favorite way to relax is probably to read a book or take a long bath. I find both activities to be very soothing and calming, and they help me unwind after a long day.

  26. Question: What is your favorite type of music? Answer: I enjoy a variety of music, but my favorite genre is probably rock. I love the energy and passion of rock music, and I find it very cathartic and empowering.

  27. Question: How do you usually spend your weekends? Answer: On weekends, I like to relax and recharge. I might spend time with friends or family, go for a hike, or simply catch up on some reading or TV shows.

  28. Question: What is your favorite type of book? Answer: I enjoy a variety of books, but my favorite genre is probably historical fiction. I love learning about different time periods and cultures, and I find historical fiction to be a great way to immerse myself in these worlds.

  29. Question: Do you enjoy cooking? Answer: Yes, I love cooking. I find it to be a creative and meditative activity, and I enjoy experimenting with different flavors and ingredients.

  30. Question: What is your favorite type of movie? Answer: My favorite type of movie is probably drama. I love movies that tell compelling stories and explore complex characters and themes.

  31. Question: What is your favorite type of food? Answer: I enjoy a variety of foods, but my favorite type of cuisine is probably Mexican. I love the bold flavors and spicy heat of Mexican food, and I find it very satisfying and filling.

  32. Question: Do you enjoy traveling? Answer: Yes, I love traveling. I find it very enriching and enlightening to explore new cultures and landscapes, and I always come back from a trip feeling refreshed and inspired.

  33. Question: What is your favorite holiday? Answer: My favorite holiday is probably Christmas. I love the festive atmosphere, the traditions, and the opportunity to spend time with loved ones.

  34. Question: Do you have any pets? Answer: Yes, I have a dog. She is a rescue pup and is very sweet and affectionate.

  35. Question: What is your favorite place to go on vacation? Answer: My favorite place to go on vacation is probably Hawaii. I love the beautiful beaches, the warm weather, and the relaxed atmosphere.

  36. Question: What is your favorite type of fruit? Answer: My favorite type of fruit is probably strawberries. I love their sweet and tangy flavor, and they are so versatile - you can add them to smoothies, salads, or desserts.

  37. Question: What is your favorite type of vegetable? Answer: My favorite type of vegetable is probably broccoli. I love its slightly bitter taste and its versatility - you can roast it, steam it, or stir-fry it.

  38. Question: What is your favorite type of weather? Answer: My favorite type of weather is probably sunny and mild. I enjoy being outside and doing activities like hiking or gardening, and this type of weather is perfect for that.

  39. Question: Do you enjoy sports? Answer: Yes, I enjoy watching and playing sports. My favorite sport to watch is probably basketball, and my favorite sport to play is tennis.

  40. Question: What is your favorite color? Answer: My favorite color is blue. I find it very calming and soothing, and I think it goes well with a variety of other colors.

  41. Question: What is your favorite type of dessert? Answer: My favorite type of dessert is probably ice cream. I love the variety of flavors and textures, and it's a great treat on a hot day.

  42. Question: Do you prefer to exercise in the morning or in the evening?

  43. Question: What is your favorite type of coffee? Answer: I'm not a big coffee drinker, but when I do have coffee, I usually go for a latte. I like the combination of espresso and steamed milk.

  44. Question: What is your favorite type of sandwich? Answer: My favorite type of sandwich is probably a BLT (bacon, lettuce, and tomato). I love the combination of salty bacon, crisp lettuce, and juicy tomato.

  45. Question: Do you prefer to take a shower or a bath? Answer: I prefer to take a shower. It's quicker and more efficient, and I feel more refreshed and awake afterwards.

  46. Question: What is your favorite type of snack? Answer: My favorite type of snack is probably popcorn. I like the salty crunch and the fact that it's relatively low in calories.

  47. Question: Do you enjoy going to the beach? Answer: Yes, I love going to the beach. I find it very relaxing and rejuvenating to be by the water, and I enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and reading.

  48. Question: What is your favorite type of shoe? Answer: My favorite type of shoe is probably sneakers. They're comfortable and versatile, and you can wear them with a variety of outfits.

  49. Question: What is your favorite type of bag? Answer: My favorite type of bag is probably a backpack. It's practical and convenient, and you can fit a lot of things in it.

  50. Question: What is your favorite type of car? Answer: I'm not really into cars, but if I had to choose, I would probably go for a small and fuel-efficient car.

  51. Question: What is your favorite type of art? Answer: My favorite type of art is probably photography. I love the way that a photograph can capture a moment in time and convey a mood or emotion.

  52. Question: Do you prefer to stay up late or go to bed early? Answer: I prefer to go to bed early. I find that I function better when I get a good night's sleep, and I like to wake up early and start my day.

  53. Question: What is your favorite type of weather for outdoor activities? Answer: My favorite type of weather for outdoor activities is probably mild and sunny. It's pleasant to be outside in these conditions, and you can do a variety of activities like hiking, biking, or playing sports.

  54. Question: What is your favorite type of outdoor activity? Answer: My favorite type of outdoor activity is probably hiking. I love the feeling of being out in nature, and I enjoy the physical challenge and the sense of accomplishment when I reach the top of a mountain.

  55. Question: Do you prefer to exercise alone or with a partner? Answer: I prefer to exercise alone. It's more meditative and allows me to focus on my own goals and progress.

  56. Question: What is your favorite type of seafood? Answer: My favorite type of seafood is probably salmon. I love the rich flavor and the fact that it's a good source of protein and healthy fats.

  57. Question: Do you prefer to eat at home or at a restaurant? Answer: I prefer to eat at home. It's more economical and allows me to control the ingredients and portions of my meals.

  58. Question: What is your favorite type of exercise? Answer: My favorite type of exercise is probably yoga. I find it very relaxing and meditative, and it's a great way to improve flexibility and strength.

  59. Question: What is your favorite type of fruit? Answer: My favorite type of fruit is probably mango. I love the sweet and juicy flesh, and it's a great source of vitamins and antioxidants.

  60. Question: Do you prefer to watch movies at home or at the cinema? Answer: I prefer to watch movies at home. It's more comfortable and convenient, and I can pause or rewind if I need to.

  61. Question: What is your favorite type of music? Answer: My favorite type of music is probably indie rock. I like the raw and authentic sound, and the lyrics often have a deeper meaning.

  62. Question: Do you prefer to travel by plane or by car? Answer: It depends on the distance and the destination. For short trips, I prefer to travel by car, but for longer trips or international travel, I prefer to travel by plane.

  63. Question: What is your favorite type of book? Answer: My favorite type of book is probably historical fiction. I love learning about different time periods and cultures, and the characters and stories are often very compelling.

  64. Question: Do you prefer to exercise indoors or outdoors? Answer: I prefer to exercise outdoors. I find it more refreshing and invigorating to be in nature, and it's a great way to get some fresh air and vitamin D.

  65. Question: What is your favorite type of vegetable? Answer: My favorite type of vegetable is probably broccoli. I love the crunchy texture and the fact that it's high in fiber and nutrients.

  66. Question: Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside? Answer: I prefer to live in the city. I enjoy the energy and diversity of urban life, and there are more opportunities for social and cultural activities.

  67. Question: What is your favorite type of animal? Answer: My favorite type of animal is probably dogs. I love their loyalty and affection, and they can be great companions.

  68. Question: Do you prefer to use a computer or a tablet? Answer: I prefer to use a computer. It's more powerful and versatile, and I can do more complex tasks like video editing or programming.

  69. Question: What is your favorite type of cuisine? Answer: My favorite type of cuisine is probably Italian. I love the rich and flavorful dishes like pasta and pizza, and the use of fresh herbs and ingredients.

  70. Question: Do you prefer to read books or watch movies? Answer: It depends on my mood and the time available. Sometimes I prefer to read books for a deeper and more immersive experience, but other times I prefer to watch movies for a more visual and entertaining experience.

  71. Question: What is your favorite type of flower? Answer: My favorite type of flower is probably sunflowers. I love their vibrant yellow color and their cheerful and sunny disposition.

  72. Question: Do you prefer to cook at home or eat out at restaurants? Answer: I prefer to cook at home. It's more economical and allows me to control the quality and nutrition of my meals.

  73. Question: What is your favorite type of tea? Answer: My favorite type of tea is probably green tea. I love the delicate and refreshing flavor, and the fact that it's high in antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.

  74. Question: Do you prefer to wear casual or formal clothes? Answer: I prefer to wear casual clothes. It's more comfortable and practical for everyday activities, and I feel more relaxed and natural in casual attire.v

  75. Question: Do you prefer to take a shower or a bath? Answer: I prefer to take a shower. It's quicker and more efficient, and I feel more refreshed and energized afterwards.

  76. Question: What is your favorite type of weather? Answer: My favorite type of weather is probably sunny and warm, but not too hot. I love the feeling of the sun on my skin and the ability to enjoy outdoor activities.

  77. Question: Do you prefer to drink coffee or tea? Answer: I prefer to drink coffee. I love the rich and bold flavor, and the caffeine gives me a boost of energy and focus.

  78. Question: What is your favorite type of movie? Answer: My favorite type of movie is probably action-adventure. I enjoy the excitement and thrills of the genre, and the special effects and cinematography can be really impressive.

  79. Question: Do you prefer to study alone or in a group? Answer: I prefer to study alone. It allows me to focus and concentrate better, and I can work at my own pace and style.

  80. Question: What is your favorite type of exercise? Answer: My favorite type of exercise is probably running. It's a great way to stay in shape and relieve stress, and I love the feeling of accomplishment after a long run.

  81. Question: Do you prefer to eat breakfast or skip it? Answer: I prefer to eat breakfast. It's an important meal that provides energy and nutrients for the day, and I find that I'm more productive and focused when I eat a healthy breakfast.

  82. Question: What is your favorite type of sport? Answer: My favorite type of sport is probably basketball. I love the fast-paced and dynamic nature of the game, and the teamwork and strategy involved.

  83. Question: Do you prefer to listen to music or podcasts? Answer: It depends on my mood and the activity. Sometimes I prefer to listen to music for entertainment and inspiration, but other times I prefer to listen to podcasts for education and information.

  84. Question: What is your favorite type of season? Answer: My favorite type of season is probably fall. I love the cooler weather and the colorful foliage, and the feeling of coziness and comfort.

  85. Question: Do you prefer to use public transportation or drive a car? Answer: It depends on the situation and the location. In some cities, public transportation is more efficient and affordable, but in other areas, driving a car is more practical and convenient.

  86. Question: What is your favorite type of holiday? Answer: My favorite type of holiday is probably beach vacations. I love the sun, sand, and sea, and the relaxation and rejuvenation that comes with a beach holiday.

  87. Question: Do you prefer to spend time with family or friends? Answer: It depends on the occasion and the context. I value both family and friends, and I try to balance my time and attention between the two.

  88. Question: What is your favorite type of art? Answer: My favorite type of art is probably contemporary art. I appreciate the innovation and creativity of modern artists, and the ability to challenge and provoke traditional concepts of art.

  89. Question: Do you prefer to shop online or in physical stores? Answer: It depends on the item and the urgency. For some items, online shopping is more convenient and offers more options and discounts, but for other items, physical stores allow me to see and try the product before buying.

  90. Question: Do you prefer to cook at home or eat out? Answer: I prefer to cook at home. It's healthier and more economical, and I enjoy experimenting with different ingredients and recipes.

  91. Question: What is your favorite type of book? Answer: My favorite type of book is probably fiction. I love getting lost in a good story and being transported to different worlds and perspectives.

  92. Question: Do you prefer to travel to cities or rural areas? Answer: It depends on the purpose and the mood. Sometimes I enjoy the excitement and vibrancy of cities, but other times I prefer the tranquility and nature of rural areas.

  93. Question: What is your favorite type of food? Answer: My favorite type of food is probably Italian cuisine. I love the variety and richness of flavors, and the comfort and satisfaction of classic dishes like pizza and pasta.

  94. Question: Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in the cinema? Answer: It depends on the movie and the occasion. For big blockbusters and cinematic experiences, I prefer to watch in the cinema, but for casual entertainment and comfort, I prefer to watch at home.

  95. Question: What is your favorite type of animal? Answer: My favorite type of animal is probably dogs. I love their loyalty, intelligence, and companionship, and they bring so much joy and love to people's lives.

  96. Question: Do you prefer to stay up late or wake up early? Answer: I prefer to stay up late. I'm more productive and creative in the evenings, and I enjoy the quiet and peacefulness of the night.

  97. Question: What is your favorite type of music? Answer: My favorite type of music is probably rock. I love the energy and passion of the genre, and the versatility and innovation of different artists and subgenres.

  98. Question: Do you prefer to work independently or in a team? Answer: It depends on the project and the goal. For some tasks, working independently allows me to focus and deliver better results, but for other tasks, working in a team provides diverse perspectives and skills, and can lead to more effective and creative solutions.

  99. Question: What is your favorite type of beverage? Answer: My favorite type of beverage is probably green tea. I love the taste and aroma, and the health benefits and calming effects are a bonus.

  100. Question: Do you prefer to watch TV or read a book? Answer: It depends on the mood and the time. For entertainment and relaxation, I prefer to watch TV, but for learning and growth, I prefer to read a book.

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